Friday, January 19, 2007

Hi people:-)
Greetings from Seattle, Washington, via the possessed laptop from places I don't ever want to visit. Just joking it has it's moments don't we all, and why shouldn't machines have off days, weeks too? Been sitting here since after our delivery on Wednesday, seriously thinking it's time to move East but esteemed owner has pulled off all the money off the Com-Data card we are effectively screwed unless we use our own money to fill the beast. and at 3.00 a gal. for diesel I find it hard to swallow, oh did i let that 'S' word slip in? LOL It's been entertaining watching the drivers back into smaller than usual parking slots already had one accident but it seems to have been settled amicably Im surprized! If anyone has freight to ship from the west coast to preferably MI but anywhere in the area will do.... call FedExCustomCritical and request our truck DR4313. we have 22' of cargo area, and also have a reefer unit on board, we'd like to make at least 2.50 a mile heading back that's after FedExCC takes their 39% off the top, see what you can do we will be here until late tonight, perhaps tomorrow depends what FedExCC tells us on the cell in the next 15 minutes.
Have a good one drive safely,and allow room for all us depraved truckers out here

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