Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hindsight is 2020 and here we are.  A time to reflect, and then to move on. We can see where we have been, what's been good, bad, or indifferent, and then strive to make the rest of our lives better.  It's been an interesting life so far, and the remainder will be just as interesting, with more emphasis on fun & goodness.  Hopefully in my last spot by July, the journey has been beyond belief interesting, and enriching as well.  

Wishing everyone continue success is whatever makes you the happiest!

New Business Still Afloat

It seems my posts are few and far between would be an understatement of gross proportions, however, it is the truth.

That I am not busy would be an understatement... on any given day I am either making, creating, designing a new product,
or rehashing an old one. The new business venture is Lindley's Soap and I can be found on face book.
This business venture has been in the works for several years, and while my clientele is small, it is steadily growing.  I make preservative free soap and personal cleansing products... I have a few already created soaps and products but my true love is making a custom soap for you! I start you out with a small bar, ( enough for a week worth of washing) and then graduate you up to a loaf ( 10 bars) of generous proportions.