Wednesday, January 22, 2020

New Business Still Afloat

It seems my posts are few and far between would be an understatement of gross proportions, however, it is the truth.

That I am not busy would be an understatement... on any given day I am either making, creating, designing a new product,
or rehashing an old one. The new business venture is Lindley's Soap and I can be found on face book.
This business venture has been in the works for several years, and while my clientele is small, it is steadily growing.  I make preservative free soap and personal cleansing products... I have a few already created soaps and products but my true love is making a custom soap for you! I start you out with a small bar, ( enough for a week worth of washing) and then graduate you up to a loaf ( 10 bars) of generous proportions.

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